2019 Flying Legends-(GB)
I had planned to do a “spotter guide” especially on Duxford and more specifically on the Flying Legends. Fate has decided otherwise. Nick Grey announced at the end of August 2020 that the Flying Legends 2019 will have been the last on the mythical Duxford terrain….

There will now be those who will remember their “Duxford” and others. And for purists, there will be those who have known the famous “tank mound”, banned since 2016.
Let’s get back to our planes. As every year, on the second weekend of July, warbird aficionados from all over the world gathered near Cambridge. This Royal Air Force base during the Second World War is now home to the Imperial War Museum (IWM). It is also home to other museums including the American Museum and the Land Warfare Museum.
During these two days, all museums are open for free. The catering workshops are also open to the public. This is an opportunity to discover beautiful collectibles and projects that should animate our upcoming British meetings.

With the visit of the museums, the morning is an opportunity to do the “flightline” after strolling among the many shops that dot the grounds. Doing the flightline is an opportunity for the photographer to admire these superb machines, on a beautiful English turf, without any rubalise or barrier to come and pollute the photos. It is also the best way to be aware of the English discipline…Not one to dare to set foot on the turf, everyone stays on the taxiway!
Once shopping is done, it is so much to eat and go to position yourself along the track. Because once the signal of departure is given, it is without interruption until the end the famous “balbo”.

To sum up Flying Legends, what makes its charm is the opening with the almost simultaneous take-off of 6 spitfires, as if the signal of the scramble had just been given. Back to the hours of the Battle of Britain assured! and it’s the Balbo, the take-off of all the warbirds of the meeting for a squadron pass. The sky resonates with the sound of engines and emotion takes you to the guts. But stop the chatter, make way for the pictures! and in 2021 we will find ourselves on a new English pitch on the edge of the English turf to be said about our past “dux”.