2016 Hahnweide-(DE)
Hahnweide does not necessarily appear in the list of spontaneously mentioned meetings, even among enthusiasts. However, the special atmosphere, the diversity and the rarity of the machines make it a must-see among European meetings. If you are familiar with English meetings, you will find on the edge of this budding track the spirit that can be found in Old Warden.

Hahnweide is a small airfield with a single grass track located on the commune of Kirchheim unter Teck about thirty kilometers from Stuttgart.This is where the Oldtimer Fliegertreffen stands, at a more or less regular interval. To describe this gathering, we are at the crossroads of the fly-in and the meeting. In 2016, more than 350 aircraft were expected for this 18th edition.

It is also a terrain where gliding is practiced on sunny days. The viewer will be able to admire beautiful old glers. The English and especially German glies evoke the time between the two wars when the future elite of the Luftwaffe and the RAF discovered the light pleasures of gliding.

A few warbirds complete this landscape. On the photography side, it is especially during the approach that you will be able to make your most beautiful photos. Indeed, the orientation of the terrain means that you are quickly backlighted. In addition, the presentations are mainly flat passages and are quite far from the spectators. Don’t forget that Hanweide is first and foremost a fly-in

You will have understood above all that if for you an air show, it is engine noise and kerosene smell, you will have to pass your way. Hahnweide is above all the pleasure of light aviation, wood and canvas, the charm of a grassy runway and the discovery of machines that have made the good days of many Pilots on Sunday.